News & Announcement

Mental Health Seminar

Mental health is an important aspect of human life that must be addressed. According to the World Mental Health Report (2019), there are 970 million people worldwide who experience mental health problems. In the year 2023, on the website in Indonesia, there is a total of 6.1% of the population aged 15 and above experiencing mental health disorders.  Therefore, the “Three Follow Thee” team system, organized a seminar on mental health at Jakarta International University on November 16, 2023. The aim of the seminar was to raise awareness and understanding among students, faculties, and academic staff about the importance of maintaining mental health and to provide insights into issues related to mental health.

This Mental Health Seminar featured dr. Lahargo Kembaren, SpKJ as a speaker, or as known as dr. Argo. He is a psychiatrist, a specialist in psychiatric medicine, who has long been recognized as an expert in his field. dr. Argo has extensive experience in dealing with mental health issues in Indonesia.

In this seminar, dr. Argo discussed various issues related to mental health problems that are currently occurring in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) era. He also discussed how to maintain mental health, overcome the stigma associated with mental disorders, and provided practical strategies for managing stress and overthinking.

“With this seminar, we expect to raise awareness among participants, especially JIU students, about the importance of taking care of our mental health, because we are the next generation for our nation,” said one member of the “Three Follow Thee” team.

This seminar was attended by members of the Jakarta International University academic community from various backgrounds, including students, lecturers, and academic staff. The participants were very enthusiastic about attending the event and several participants eagerly asked questions and discussed with dr. Argo to gain a deeper understanding of mental health cases and issues.

This seminar activity is a positive step towards overcoming the stigma associated with mental health and providing a space for open dialogue. It also provides answers to questions that many people face in maintaining their mental health. The “Three Follow Thee” team hopes that activities like this will encourage the Jakarta International University family to care more about their own mental health and the mental health of those around them.