Academic Announcement

Internship Timeline

Dear Students,We believe that this internship program will be a valuable learning experience for students toapply their knowledge in a working place setting. Therefore, internship is one of the crucialprograms that must be implemented. Within this letter, we would like to announce you some important information.To be able to join the judicium and commencement ceremony […]

Thesis or Final Project Timeline

Dear Students,We believe that thesis or final project will be a valuable learning experience in your academicjourney. Therefore, thesis or final project is one of the crucial courses that must be passed.Thesis or final project is one of the requirements to register for judicium and commencementceremony. Therefore, it is important for the students to finalize […]

Registration of Judicium and Commencement Ceremony

Dear Students,You have been learning for years and it is a time to officially announce the informationregarding your judicium and commencement ceremony. The day and date of 4th judicium and3rd commencement ceremony will be in August 7, 2024. Enable to join the judicium andcommencement ceremony students must complete the registration form of judicium andcommencement ceremony. […]