Category: Academics

Notification of Rescheduling JIU’s 4th Judicium and 3rd Commencement Ceremony


Notification of Rescheduling JIU’s 4th Judicium and 3rd Commencement Ceremony

Dear Students,
In preparing for student graduation, there are many important things that are taken into consideration by university boards.
Therefore, changes may occur at any time depending on the needs and policies taken together.

Referring to the letter No: 508/JIU/ACD/III/2024 is mentioned the 4th judicium and 3rd commencement ceremony will be held on August 7, 2024. 
This ceremony date is canceled and rescheduled to August 9, 2024.
Moreover, for the Harvest Evening will be held on August 8, 2024. 

Please carefully pay attention to these date changes to avoid misinformation.
Even though the 4th judicium and 3rd commencement is rescheduled, there is no changes in the registration date of judicium and commencement ceremony.
It will be opened on June 1, 2024, and closed on June 14, 2024.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Should you have any inquiries please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected].

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Final Exam System – Exam Card & Change in Final Exam Date


Final Exam System – Exam Card & Change in Final Exam Date

Dear JIU Students,
We hope this letter finds you well in detailed information.
We are writing to inform you about the final exam system and the change in the date of the final exam of the even semester academic year 2023/2024.

a. Final Exam System – Exam Card
The final exam system of the even semester academic year 2023/2024 will be the same as the mid-term exam of the even semester academic year 2023/2024.
Students are required to pay all the liabilities to get the exam card.
Moreover, for those students who are not able to pay the liabilities are required to have a meeting with Student Affairs at least a week before the final exam starts.
The exam card will be utilized as proof that the student is eligible to take the final exam. The period of requesting exam card by students to Academic Affairs will be on April 19 – May 3, 2024.
Please be notified, that the lecturers or final exam supervisors should check the student’s exam card before they start the exam. Those students who do not have an exam card will not be allowed to join the final exam

b. Change in Final Exam Date
Due to the holiday on May 9 – 10, 2024, it has become necessary to reschedule the final exam from its previously announced date. The new date for the final exam is on May 6 – 14, 2024. Moreover, the exam will be held approximately in 5 days but 2 weeks of duration.
Find more detailed information on final exam period below;
Day 1 → Monday, May 6, 2024
Day 2 → Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Day 3 → Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Day 4 → Monday, May 13, 2024 will be a final exam schedule for all courses that was previously scheduled on Thursday 9, 2024.
Day 5 →Tuesday, May 14, 2024, will be a final exam schedule for all courses that was previously scheduled on Friday 10, 2024.

Moreover, the make-up final exam will be held on Wednesday – Friday, May 15-17, 2024.
For more detailed information regarding the final exam can be checked through the Academic Calendar which can be found in the attachment of this announcement.

We understand that this change may inconvenience some of you, and we sincerely apologize for any disruption this may cause to your schedules. We kindly request all lecturers to take note of this change and adjust the schedules accordingly. Additionally, we encourage lecturers to notify the students as well.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the exam card and final exam date change, please do not hesitate to reach out to email; [email protected].

Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Posted in Academics |




Dear Students,
Concerning the implementation of the 4th Jakarta International University Judicium the Academic Affairs must convey the following information:

Here are the steps to register:
1) Complete all your requirements from the Academic Affairs Validation in Judicium Clearance.
2) Please fill out this judicium clearance through this form until June 14th, 2024.
3) Once the student already gets all the approval signatures on that form (point 2) and then submits it to the Academic Affairs Office, it means students are already listed as candidate graduates for the next JIU 3rd Commencement Ceremony.
4) Submit 2 photos for the transcript and Ijazah (see the guideline for photo submission).
5) Transfer the graduation fee of IDR 1.800.000,- for Bachelor’s Degree through Student’s Virtual Account in SIAKAD payment before 14 Juni 2024.

For more info please contact Finance.
Finally, you have registered. We appreciate your attention and cooperation.
Thank you and God Bless You.

Best Regards,
Academic Affairs Jakarta International University

Posted in Academics |

Announcement For Register The 5th Judicium of JIU


Announcement For Register The 5th Judicium of JIU

Dear Senior Student,
Concerning the implementation of the 5th Jakarta International University Judicium the Academic Affairs must convey the following information:
Please follow these steps to register:
1. Complete the Final Research Submission Form, the form can be requested from Academic Affairs.
2. Complete the Registration Form of Judicium, the form can be requested from Academic Affairs.
3. The registration of the 5th Judicium will be opened on September 26th, 2024, and be closed on October 3rd, 2024.
4. Please submit the two forms in points 1 and 2 within the registration date.
5. Submit 4 photos 3×4 for the transcript and Ijazah (please find the guidelines for photo submission).
6. Transfer the graduation fee of IDR 500.000, for Bachelor’s Degree through Student’s Virtual Account in SIAKAD payment by October 11th, 2024.
Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
We appreciate your attention and cooperation.
Thank you and God Bless You.

Posted in Academics |

Announcement of Seminar Proposal and Thesis Defense Timeline


Announcement of Seminar Proposal and Thesis Defense Timeline

Dear Senior Students,
Starting from Academic Year 2024/2025 the Seminar Proposal Thesis Defense timeline will be managed by Academic Affairs. The timeline contains 3 waves for each Seminar Proposal and Thesis course.
However, for the Research Paper type there are only 2 waves, and from May 19 – June 27, 2025, would be the date of LoA submission. Additionally, all forms for both the Seminar Proposal and Thesis Defense can be requested to Academic Affairs.
Please pay attention carefully to the registration date, Academic Affairs won’t accept any registration submission after the deadline.
With this timeline, we expect all senior students who take the Proposal Seminar and Thesis courses to complete both courses on time according to the timeline. Please find the time line in the attached file.

Posted in Academics |

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